I find it funny that I never notice the chaos in the sewing sanctuary until it gets to this point--
You see, I have a really bad habit of sewing and not putting things away after I'm finished. I'm like a kid looking through the toy box to find a favorite toy. Everything in the way gets tossed here and there and everywhere.
I have every intent to return the scissors or the seam ripper or the seam gauge to it's designated spot when I'm done using it. I also intend to fold those pattern pieces and return them to the proper envelope. I try really hard to throw away the thread tails as I clip them. However, despite my best intentions I find myself turning in circles in the middle of my sewing room wondering how and when it went from sewing sanctuary to chaotic cave.
This weekend I began process of restoring peace in the sanctuary.
Here is what I have done so far--
I have been trying to figure out a way to create more leg room and make my serger (middle machine) level with the table top without cutting a hole into the top of the desk. After realizing I had some room on either side of my table set-up I slid the desk and the drawers apart so that there was about 18 inches of space in between them.
I went to the hardware store and had them cut two 18 inch pieces (the depth of the chest of drawers and desk) from a 1 x 2 wood plank and screwed one onto the side of the desk and the chest of drawers. I determined that my serger bed was 4 inches from the top of the table, plus the 1 inch depth of the 1x2 equals 5 inches so I placed the 1 x 2 's about 5 inches down from the top of each piece of furniture and parallel to the floor to make what I think are called braces but I am not a woodworker. I made sure each brace was level and at the same height so that the new "table top" would be level. Then I took a piece of 1-inch thick 18 by 18 board (also cut to size at the hardware store) and layed it across the braces. Presto-- additional space for my serger. I used Velcro to keep the board from sliding on the braces. I did not screw the board to the braces in order to make it easier to disassemble and move if I ever decide to rearrange the sewing sanctuary.
To fill in the space between the serger and the old desktop I used a 2 foot by 2 foot piece of styrofoam insulation and instructions from the book by Marguerita McManus entitled
Sew and Quilt in Comfort to make a serger insert. I covered the insert with same shelf paper.
Here is a closer look--

This freed up the top of the drawer and made space for a small ironing center.
I can't wait to sew on my serger now that I have more flatbed space.
I still have quite a ways to go in order to transform the chaotic cave back into the sewing sanctuary but I think I'm off to a good start.
Until next time...Sew something you love.